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Framous Five - Five Decorate a Bedroom

As everyday explorers in a world where there is so much for them still to learn, kids discover new objects, words, techniques and values every day. They soak up their environment like little sponges and will investigate and interact with as much of it as they are allowed to.

Making the kid’s rooms and spaces bright and interactive is a really good way of keeping them interested in using the spaces while also encouraging them to explore the world and help them make new discoveries. After all, you never know; that sticky little finger-painter might grow up to be the 21st century’s van Gogh.

Educational aesthetics like alphabets and number tiles, calendar blocks, and educational posters are easy to find usually easy to install but there are a whole host of other things you can do to help make the children’s space their own.

Choosing child-friendly furnishings is really important. If you want the children to use the space willingly, it should feel like it is tailored to their taste. Brightly colored and hardwearing rugs, curtains, blinds, and beanbags can make the room stand out and still allow for a little color coordination.

The durability factor is also important –you want furnishings that last and you don’t want your kids to feel guilty if they don’t. Bear that in mind when looking at the heaviest and most expensive items, like beds, couches, wardrobes, shelves, and desks.

Click here to order photo prints and frames online!

Our own range of Confetti picture frames. makes the perfect addition to any children’s area. Simple, stylish, bright, and hardwearing, they look great alone or arranged in multicoloured displays and are available in colours to suit every environment. These are available via our website.

Other touches like colourful wall art, child-friendly plants or trees, and fish tanks are sure-fire ways to evoke interest. You might also consider memo boards to aid concentration and help your child keep a physical track of their achievements and goals and clocks in digital and analog, to help children make the connection between the two.

Check the best online photo printing and framing ideas!

If the children involved are old enough, allow them some input into how space will be. Feeling like they had a hand in creating the space helps instill that sense of ownership and makes them more likely to use the space once it is done.

Most importantly, just remember that it is their space while using all your parenting cunning to aid their curiosity, pique their interest and give them the confidence they need to continue through the great adventure of life. Click here to read more about our Famous Frames and have a go at creating your own Famous Decorated Frames today .

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